Saturday, March 17, 2007

Snow anyone?

Okay, so first of all I DID try to blog a few nights back, but blogger died on me and it just didn't work out. Nothing more fun than spending half an hour typing up something to say and having blogger eat it! So I was discouraged for a day or two but here I am, back for more.

You may have noticed that I have added links to my favorite sites. Sophie, Heat, and Chesley are all personal friends of mine. I have never had the pleasure of meeting Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, but I have become an ardent fan. She is the author of several knitting books with a new one about to debut. Her writing is witty, fun, easy to pick up and read, and is all about one of my favorite topics . . . KNITTING! Her blog is written in a similar style and always shows pictures of her latest projects. She is an inspiration so I have put a link to her page on mine and hopefully she wouldn't mind! As for the rest of you, please let me know if you object to having your link published on my page and I can always erase it.

I do find blogging to be a bit of a delicate issue. How much information is it okay to post about other people? Personally, I don't want my last name attached with any of this, as it would be nice to feel free to write things that wouldn't be traced back to you by, say, prospective employers. It would be a real drag to fail to obtain a job because of your wanton blogging ways. So obviously I will try not to use the last names of my friends or family (although I think it is okay to use the last names of already famous people like the author noted above, as long as you are not writing slanderous articles or infringing copyright laws). But would others be upset to see their first name on here? Their pictures (don't worry! no nudes!!)? I would be interested to know how folks feel. Since I am just getting this up and running, it would be nice to avoid making people angry right from the start.

As for my life in a nutshell today . . . I have taken up the vow that all knitters seem to make at one time or another . . . and that is to finish some of my UFO's (that is unfinished objects for all of you muggles) before I purchase any more yarn. Ever since Chesley opened up her little yarn shop (LYS) I have entered the world of high quality and luxury yarns and I LIKE IT there. My wallet sometimes cries out in protest, but buying beautiful yarns fits into my obsessive-compulsive buying personality so well that it is hard to resist. So I am working on using up some of my stash before I venture up to the LYS again. Right now I am working a fleece backing to my entrelac scarf. It is knitting up rather quickly (20 stitches in stockinette stitch on US size 8 needles), so I hope to have it ready to attach to the back of the entrelac piece by the end of next week. I'll try to post a picture when it is all done. Next up on the list are Baby Will's baby blanket (which was supposed to be a gift for his pre-birth baby shower and now I am hoping to complete it before he turns 1 this fall) and Megan's birthday bag (I just got sick of making bags somewhere in the middle there). If I get those three things done and start a pair of socks, it may be okay to buy some more yarn.

That's all for tonight! Oh yes . . . and in case anyone is wondering why the post title has nothing to do with the post . . . I must confess I got distracted. Yesterday we had weather in the 40-50 range with bare patches of ground everywhere and the smell of spring (aka mud). Today . . . snowing like a bandit. Gotta love Maine in March.



Sophie said...

i had the same debate lizzie, which is why i started using nicknames for people (the other half, petunia, etc.). most everyone who reads my blog is someone i know, but just in case someone stray comes across the page i would rather they didn't know everything about my life right off the bat! :-)
and thank you for the link, heehee. i will check out this knitting lady. between you and chesley's blog you're getting me all excited about knitting again!

megan said...

Ooh, Liz, you should post pictures of stuff you knit so we can applaud. I can't wait for you to teach me. I tried learning from a book and had a really hard time, I think with tension.

megan said...

Oh, and some people compose the post in Word or something, so they have a copy when Blogger ralphs.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooooooooooo! A Lizzie site! Goody!

Anyway, I love the blog, and may you get less snow than the foot of snow-with-frozen-misery-on-top that this storm dumped on us. (And to think it was 70 on Wednesday.)

: )


Turtlewoman said...

Caitlin! Hurray! Welcome to my (online) world! How's it going? All well with the bambinos?

Anonymous said...

All's well. Smaller bambino doing well, so far, and scheduled for ultrasound in a couple of weeks. Larger bambino couldn't care less about forthcoming arrival of smaller bambino, but is very excited about getting a new bedroom set in the spring "when the flowers bloom up." So that's about par for the course.... : )
