Monday, March 19, 2007

Here Comes the Sun

Do -do-do-do. Here comes the sun . . . maybe it will melt some of this snow we have accumulated in the past few days. That would improve my mood tremendously methinks.

I was on call this weekend and it kicked my butt. I think I am just out of shape. I was sick the last time I was supposed to be on call and one of my colleagues covered for me. This was the first time I have had to work a 24 hour shift in about a month. You get out of practice - you really do. Somehow it seems easier to stay up all the time when you do it all the time. When you get two or three weekends in a row off you start to go soft. Luckily I am working from home today and got to sleep in a bit. My body was protesting getting up at all. But on the good side of things, I did get to deliver three very cute babies (two vaginal deliveries and a c-section). And babies always make my day better. Now you are probably going to ask if they were boys or girls . . . I'm not sure I even remember. In all honesty, in the excitement of it all, I often forget to look. Isn't that funny?

Anywho, that's all I have for now. I feel like I should have something more substantial to say, but I don't. Maybe later.


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