Thursday, November 1, 2007

Good News, Bad News, Happy News, Sad News

Apologies for the Dr. Seuss title, but it is Homecoming Weekend at Dartmouth after all . . .

The bad news? I did not match into a fellowship. The good news? At least for now, I feel okay about this. Sure I am sad, and my pride is definitely hurt, but I think it may be a sign. And Hector says that I should have a job waiting for me at home. Happy news? I have made so many good friends here (like Arnaldo above) and this has been one of the single greatest things I have done with my life. Maybe not getting into a fellowship is a sign that I need to stay in a more primary care type position so that I can continue to carry out good works like this in the world. Sad news? Okay, well, not so much sad as bittersweet . . . while I am very much looking forward to seeing family and friends and having some of the comforts and luxuries of home, I am extremely sad to be leaving Peru. Spending these two weeks here with these people, doing these surgeries . . . I feel like I could stay here for at least another few months! I'm sure if I had another month or two I could even learn spanish (I have picked some up already). You all know how much I love my family, my friends, my career, and my life. Even so, I don't remember my life ever feeling so fulfilled as it has during this trip. It is incredible.

This is the mission team for Oct 2007. There were a total of 40 of us. This has been my family for the past 2 weeks. They will be my friends for life. All of them are remarkable people. Thank you to everyone who has enabled me to make this journey of self-exploration!
I have many more pictures and stories to tell, but not today! Today I need to finish packing for the long trip home. We have to leave Chulu at 4 am tomorrow to catch our flight to Lima. I won't be home until sometime on Saturday afternoon. It is gonna be a LONG trip. Looking forward to talking to you all when I get back!


Sophie said...

good luck with all your emotions. :-) i'm sure you'll find a fulfilling way to fill your life. but you ought to know that your happy disposition and infectious laugh alone brighten up the world!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it's been an incredible couple of weeks, so I'm glad. Sorry about the fellowship, but you'll be fantastic wherever you do end up. (Hey, you can come deliver MY next 8 kids!*)

Have a safe trip back!


*Just kidding. Garth always starts muttering when I tell people I want 10 kids...: )

Anonymous said...

What an incredible experience! I am so glad you had the opportunity to go and that they got a chance to have you for 2 weeks.
So sorry about the fellowships, but although Peter laughs whenever I say this, I do think we all have a path to follow and sometimes other forces do the steering.
(Is it bad that I am secretly happy that this means you may be in Maine longer??? It comes from love.)