Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back from the Dead

Believe it or not folks, I am still alive out here. Not posting a whole lot as you can see. And currently I am a little lost in the world of the dead as I am completely caught up in Stephanie Meyers Twilight Series. I started the fourth book two days ago and am now about 400 pages in. This is the first time I have been able to put it down without feeling like I was going to vomit. It has really been making me sweat!
But I am here and there are lots of happening as spring comes to the Farm. The perennial beds are a constant source of joy and excitement, as well as a constant source of work! There are new flowers coming up every day - many surprises as this is my first spring here - and I am starting to see the green shoots of some of my old friends from last summer. Here are some pictures - if you want to see more, come visit!
Love, Turtlewoman

Okay, so Buttercup and Crocus may not be REAL flowers, but they sure are cute right? Croakie is one of our newest babies!


Anonymous said...

Yay! So good to hear from you! Spring is a time of birthing of all kinds, right?

Turtlewoman said...

Exactly! The perfect time to make a comeback I say!

Sophie said...

love the little lamb. :-) and the flowers. :-)
but why is breaking dawn making you want to vomit?

Turtlewoman said...

It was so action-packed! Very high intensity that I was stressed for most of the book. Made me feel anxious and vomit-y. But I did love it.