And now the problem is that there is SO much to tell, I don't know where to start. It is overwhelming really. We all know how well I do with overwhelming right? Can you say "hide in bed as much as possible and do everything BUT what you should be doing" three times fast? I owe Megan, Heather, and Debbie about six hundred e-mail responses alone. And that doesn't even count everyone else out there that I owe responses to. Sigh.
So I think the best approach will be to make short posts and try to get caught up on the events of the last month . . . I think we will start with the progress on Sprout. After ripping Sprout out FOUR TIMES I think I finally am making a sweater that will fit my mother. As you can see:
I am now down below the underarms and I am also about halfway through the waist shaping. You can get an idea of the size based on how it falls on the chair. It is looking pretty darn good. Still gotta finish the bottom, then do the sleeves, the button bands, and the blocking. But I am making slow steady progress.
wow, that sprout looks great! this will definitely fit your mom. :-) what a gorgeous color, she'll love it!
Thanks Sophe!
What are you working on now?
And guess what? The chickens finally laid eggs yesterday! I think they were just protesting the absence of Lila and have finally capitulated. =-)
I think you could stop the Sprout right now if you wanted. Kind of a Bruce Springsteen sleeveless shirt crossed with a Britney Spears belly-button bearing top. Very cute, very hip, very now.
Seriously, it looks very nice and will be lovely when you're done.
- Debbie :)
Ha! I spelled baring wrong. Oh well. No more drinking on Thursdays...
(I knew that didn't look quite right).
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