Friday, July 6, 2007

Interview Update

Here's an update on the interview front. I now have two! I will be visiting Rochester, NY (we all know how much I love Upper State New York!) in late August. Then I will head to UConn in September.

For those keeping score, Mass General and Michigan have told me that they will get back to me one way or another within the next month. That leaves 6 programs left to hear from.

Keep your fingers crossed! I am VERY excited to do some interviews, get a chance to see the different places and programs, and hopefully have some options for the Match in October!

In knitting news, I am still waiting for my new Sox Stick to come in. I made the mistake of buying a different brand of size 1 needles to try to start the second Jaywalker sock . . . and apparently they are just different enough that I knit a whole different gauge with them. So I will have to be patient and wait for the new one to come in. I am also working on some other little projects right now, but they will remain secret for the moment. =-)

In goat news, the Life Is Goat farm will be obtaining a new Angora stud this summer. His name is Arthur and he is a fine looking boy. We are still trying to figure out ways to keep Tank away from the girls . . . but he is a strong willed, hard-headed son of a gun so that is WAY easier said than done. I am hoping to get up to the farm this weekend for a visit. Just need to get a bit more sleep before undertaking the big drive.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooo, congratulations on the interviews, and we hope they go well! : )

(Heath was checking out your pictures over my shoulder, and while he immediately knew what kind of creature Waffles was, the goats puzzled him. "Dogs" were his first guess, and he's still skeptical of my assertion that they are goats... : ))
