Monday, April 9, 2007


So again today I am reminded that I am only human, and not even a great one at that. I was talking to the chemist about the nature of people with careers and how even things that seem ordinary to us are extraordinary to others. Case in point: checking blood work on a patient. I must order about 20 blood tests on any given day. I routinely follow up those as well as several others that are ordered by my partners. Well, this weekend I ordered blood work on a patient and I forgot to check the results. It was crazy busy on Saturday. I did two c-sections, four vaginal deliveries, a post-partum tubal ligation, and triaged and admitted numerous other patients. This patient ended up feeling better, we decided she had a viral syndrome, and we sent her home. She came back today and while she was being admitted, her lab results from Saturday popped up. They were not normal. Had I seen them on Saturday, I never would have sent her home. Very very sobering. Luckily in this case she was fine, her baby was fine, and everything should turn out okay. But she could have had a seizure or a stroke at home. Her placenta could have abrupted. She could have died. Her baby could have died. Luckily, they didn't.
And so there it is. I am only human. I make mistakes. But my mistakes can kill people, and if that doesn't scare the crap out of you (and me) I'm not sure what could. I went into medicine to help people, not to hurt them. Things like this (even when there was no bad outcome) make you question everything you know and do.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Welcome Aphidia!

I'm a grandmother! Well, sort of . . . Meet Aphidia, the second goat kid to be born on the Life is Goat Farm. She is a beautiful Angora-Boer cross of mom Pansy and my Tankie boy (see picture in sidebar). She was born Friday morning, April 6. A few days later and she would have shared a birthday with her proud grandma! You can tell she is part Boer as her legs are thicker and stronger than the average Angora kid and her coat is not as curly or long-haired. I think she is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen and I can't wait to meet her in a few weeks!

In other news, the Power Science Girls threw me a fabulous birthday party last weekend in DC. I will try to upload pics later. I got to see Baby Will and get lots of baby snuggles. We had a great time. The Cherry Blossoms were in full bloom, the mall between the capital and Washington monument was mobbed with folks, and there were kites galore. We got to see the Rokoku battle at the Smithsonian kite festival and it was a well fought battle. I even got to wear my own pink princess hat. Thanks guys!

I am post-call today on my birthday, so it has been a sleepy day. I did have a birthday party last night though courtesy of my friends the night shift nurses on L+D. Even though we were crazy busy, they still managed to throw me a nice party complete with pin-the-tail on the donkey (they couldn't find a goat), party hats, cheesecake bites, ice cream, and singing. Sopje called me today to leave a singing message (sorry I missed your call - I was sound asleep!). And lots of other friends and family have been calling, e-mailing and sending cards. Thanks everyone! Despite being post-call, this has been a pretty sweet 31st birthday.
